Birth Injury Compensation Claims

With the innumerable advances that the world has made in medical technologies over the last 100 years, the increased improvement in childbirth safety has been one of the most striking. The death rate for women giving birth plummeted in the 20th century and nowadays there are just 8.2 maternal deaths in the UK per 100,000 live births – compared to the historical level of around 1 in 100 births. It’s very fair to say that, thanks to an increased medical understanding, the fate of both mother and child is much, much safer than it used to be.

However, that’s not to say that childbirth is a completely risk-free situation and one that always ends properly, especially in the UK, who are ranked just 23rd in the global league table of maternal mortality, and whose rate has not dropped in 20 years.

Furthermore, there are many injuries to both the mother and the child during childbirth which, although serious and debilitating, thankfully do not result in death. And unfortunately, despite the huge medical advances that have been achieved in the last 100 years, things like basic human error – although greatly reduced – are still relatively common.

For many families who have suffered as a result of medical or clinical negligence during childbirth, then it is understandably incredibly distressing during what should have been one of the most special times of their life. It may be possible to claim compensation against the medical authority that was at fault for the injuries that anyone is party to as a result of a negligent childbirth.

For many families, a potential payout from a birth in jury compensation claim may be able to pay for the treatment required to help a child recover from its trauma, or to assist a mother in dealing with her affliction. It is about simply more than money-chasing – a won claim can be the difference between a lifetime struggling to look after an injured person and being able to with a little more comfort for everyone involved.

Birth injury compensation claims, like any other claims, depend on a number of different details and come in a number of different guises. But a claim could be possible if mother or child suffered one of the following:

  • Problems related to epidurals
  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Problems from mismanaged labour
  • Undiagnosed fetus abnormalities
  • Nerve damage
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Erbs palsy
  • Undiagnosed high risk pregnancy

The list is far from conclusive; there are many more birth injuries that occur as a result of medical negligence – making birth injury compensation claims possible.

At Hugh James, we understand that the circumstances around injuries from births are always distressing and need to be handled in a sensitive and friendly manner. Our team of medical negligence specialists can work with you to determine whether it would be possible to make a claim and get a small part of your life back. Talk to a member of our friendly team today.